Monday, April 30, 2007


I have now caught a total of 9 slugs in my PBR traps. I make the traps out of shallow plastic containers, like the kind that, um, hippie spreads come in...Not that I would know anything about that. I find that it works best if you bury them in the ground, so that the tops are level with the surface of the garden. This way the slugs come crawling innocently along searching for the source of the delicious beer smell, only to find themselves suddenly writhing in agony in a great pool of deadly PBR.

Actually, I feel kind of sorry for them. Snowball and I have a lot in common with them.

The other problem with this whole enterprise is that it is vaguely torturous to dump perfectly good PBR into filthy plastic receptacles. I have received two suggestions about this, both very good. The anatomist tells me that I should buy some other kind of beer for the slugs, something that I wouldn't want to drink. Say, Obsidian stout.
The other suggestion was that I save fallen soldiers after parties. This is a great idea, but might involve me getting up before Cornelius to scour the house for half empty beer cans.


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