
The first flower of this spring is this daffodil I rescued from the yard waste bin on Sunday. It had found its way amid the bits of screen door, polystyrene, and other flotsam one finds when digging, and managed to poke its green and yellow bud over the rim of the bin. I planted it in a planter in the backyard next to some hothouse tulips that are already on the way out. The stalk was barely able to support its intrepid little bud, so I tied it to a stick of bamboo and, this evening it rewarded me with this flower.
The romaine has sprouted in the pots in the Liberty House dining room (no doubt looking forward to the same party as the Evil Cat), and a pea sprouted in the raised bed. Here's to hoping we can fight back the morning glories.
Here's a row of flowers next door to my place in the International District, and a row of not-yet-flowers near a sidewalk on Capitol Hill. I'll let Evil Cat identify them.

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