Friday, April 04, 2008

long, cold winter

The weather was nicer before the equinox. Spring has not been kind. But the daffodils and tulips have bloomed, and the bluebells are budding.

We have a lot of good starts indoors, way more than last year, and have already put some sunflowers in the ground in the raised bed and along the fence. They were getting awfully spindly in their pots; I think I planted them too soon. Another lesson learned. The next wave will fare better.

The croquet course has turned out nicely, and seen limited action already. Should be ready for the Celebrity Invitational on Memorial Day weekend. Speaking of. . .I should probably get to inviting those celebrities. . .

In sad news, it appears that the Greengirls blog at the StarTribune is no more. Not so, not so. Turns out I'm just bad with code...